February 14th, 2023 - Read Dr. Faust’s Journal of Clinical Investigation scientific publication from 2013 demonstrating that CpG-depleted AAV vectors can establish persistent transgene expression, evade immunity, and minimize infiltration of effector cells following gene transfer.

Dr. Faust is a pioneer in this research and was the first to CpG-deplete AAV vectors to circumvent TLR9 activation, a technology that has become an industry standard.

Click here to read the article

December 8th, 2022 - NxGEN Vector Solutions is featured in December’s issue of GEN Magazine in the article, “Viral Vectors for Gene Therapy Get the Industrial Design Treatment.”

Read about both of NxGEN’s gene therapy platforms:

1) NxGEN’s CpG-depletion technology of the AAV vector to achieve safe, effective, and durable
therapeutic gene expression.

2) NxGEN’s cardiac gene therapy to modulate the immune system to prevent chronic rejection without
the requirement for life-long anti-rejection medication, which can also be used for inflammatory

Click here to read the Article in GEN Magazine.

November 1st, 2022 - Dr. Susan Faust is an invited guest speaker at the Global Bioprocessing Summit & Exhibition in San Francisco from November 2-4, where she will be presenting her talk entitled: Hindsight is 2020: The Advancement of CpG-depleted AAV Vectors as an Industry Standard.

September 1st, 2022 - NxGEN Vector Solutions hit a major milestone this year: We are celebrating 5 years in business! A big thank you to all of our customers!

NxGen Vector Solutions

June 1st, 2022 - The NxGEN Vector Solutions Team at ASGCT

May 16th, 2022 - Let’s Connect at ASGCT. Stop by our Booth #260 and learn about our patented CpG-depletion technology for safe, effective, and durable transgene expression following AAV gene transfer.

Let NxGEN design your AAV vector sequence and reduce the number of inflammatory CpG di-nucleotide motifs to get your platforms up and running faster with the greatest success rate.

March 15th, 2022 - Let’s Connect at the American Society of Gene and Cellular Therapy Meeting in May 2022, Washington, D.C. at Booth 260!

Visit our exhibit booth to hear more about our patented CpG-depletion AAV vector technology, our custom CpG-depleted AAV vector construct generation and consulting services, and to pick up our promotional custom stress ball of an AAV virus.

February 28th, 2022 - A review article in Molecular Therapy available online March 10, 2022, explores the non-immunological and immunological processes that may limit or improve durability and the strategies that can be employed to increase the duration of the therapeutic effect. The authors suggest CpG- depletion of AAV vectors as one strategy to enhance long-term transgene expression.

Click here to read the article

November 1st, 2021 - AAV Vector Construct Design and Consulting Services: Did you know that NxGEN Vector Solutions offers AAV vector construct generation and consulting services?

We apply our industry experience in AAV vector design and immunology to address the unique challenges of the Gene Therapy field. Our team of experienced Gene Therapy professionals bring deep expertise in CpG-depleted AAV vector design to overcome immune responses and to assist our clients in achieving their R&D objectives. 

Please fill out the form on our Consulting/Contact Us page and select the ‘Consulting’ option or feel free to send an email to We look forward to working with you!